"Leave it to Psmith" Book Review

If anyone were to ask me for a good comedy to read, the first book that pops into my mind is Leave it to Psmith by P. G. Whodehouse. This book is hilarious. The oddity and likeability of the protagonist, Psmith (the "p" is silent as Psmith puts it) is immediately established with a hilarious scene concerning the stealing of a friend's umbrella. It sets the tone of overly dramatic reactions to minor inconveniences that carries on throughout the entirety of the book. Psmith is not your regular guy. He is man who solves problems for hire, which, according to the ad he puts in a newspaper, apparently includes getting rid of annoying aunts. I like all my aunts so I want be needing that, but you never know. There's still time left in this world. I could find out one of my aunts does not like ice cream. Life cannot go on properly after learning about such an egregious viewpoint. Contact Psmith. Problem solved!

Whodehouse likes to tell tales about family squabbles over ridiculous things. Once again he is able to write a hilarious story about a bunch of wealthy family members who are constantly plotting against one another. If you like the idea of reading a comedy about a guy who is hired to steal a necklace because of some silly family squabble then you will definitely like this one! Favorite comedy of all time.



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